Friday, September 01, 2006

Freakipedia - Diatribe

Here is the www dot freakipedia dot orgy entry on Diatribe:

Many years ago, in the dim and distant past, there lived a certain tribe which inhabited the desert of Kalahari, long before it even became a desert. The founder of this tribe was Dia-Nosaur. He was awesome. Then he became extinct. The new leader was a strange creature who simply refused to have the tribal drink of honeyed maple syrup. His name was Dia-Betik. He was followed by Dia-Meter, who measured the tribal circle. Then Dia-Gnosis inherited the leadership, and immediately declared himself malignant. He was followed by Dia-Lysis, who added tubes to all the tribal wells. Next came Dia-Orrhea, who let loose, which gave rise to a great stink and the whole tribe became extinct As usual, there was one exception. The exception became an ape, and was known as Harangue Otan for some reason.

All this is part of history, though forgotten. You don’t have to thank me for reviving this particular part of history, I’m doing it as a public service. (Thank you, Paul David of Sydney, NSW.)

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